Waterday at high noon
- After what felt like hours of searching around the room, Idris & Cyrus decide to look inside the Bear rug's mouth. They find the key!
- The key opens the chest and has a potion, shield, chainmail armor, and war hammer. Idris reaches in an grand the potion, Cyrus keeps the shield and Cersei upgrades to the chainmail armor. The group decides to leave a few belongings and the war hammer safely locked in the chest.
- The group then heads to the mill that across the way. Logan peeks inside and sees a dead teen torn to shred, with only the torso and fragment of the head left over. Amelia and Cyrus check the other windows and see a family of zombies walking around in the following room.
- Everyone makes their way inside carefully and they begin their attack. Each one of the takes a hit to one of the four zombies while Aurence played a melody to help them in their battle. Cersei killed the 1st, 3rd, and 4th zombie who almost took Cyrus with it; while Logan killed the second with a slingshot.
- The fellowship then makes their way to Mt. Duplot where Amelia and Cyrus share with the group the tale of Chalenite, an evil ring that controlled the undead plague in the land and made the dead rise. According to legend the Lord at the time entombed [name of guy here] along with the ring in Mt. Duplot.
- Amelia healed Cyrus and Cersei in a small house near the entrance to Mt. Duplot. They set up camp there and Cyrus, Cersei, Logan and Amelia go hunting and try their luck. Luckily they were successful in killing a small doe which sufficed for two meals, dinner that night and breakfast the next day.
- The next morning they gather their belongings and head for the entrance to Mt. Duplot. Amelia is holding a lantern in the middle of the group which is their guiding light. Logan is at the front of the group scouting ahead. They enter the first room but are caught with a dead end. In the second room they encounter paralyzing giant centipedes! Aurence begins to play and the rest try their best to kill the beast. However the centipede hits Cersei and paralyzes her, leaving the party without their strongest fighter early in the battle. Cyrus, Logan, and Amelia hit the centipede bravely but with little damage. The centipede is able to paralyze Logan, but luckily Idris casts an amazing magic disk that cause the creature to blow up...