Several hundred years ago, in the keep of Mont du Plat, lived a cleric named Charnalite. He constructed a magical ring with evil powers. According to the legend the ring had control over the undead.
What followed was a plague that haunted the land causing the dead to rise.
The local lord destroyed the Mont du Plat, trapping Charnalite and the ring forever in the dungeons below.
So chronicles the tale of a group of adventures that try to make their way through a land of magic and mystery.... Welcome to the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons!!!
December 25, 2012
December 18, 2012
12/12/12 Summary
After the last encounter with the centipedes the group headed back to the main chamber...
1. The group decided to head into the second chamber. It was damp, there was water dripping from the roots overhead, and there were two holes.
- Cersei, Amelia, & Idris headed over to the first hole, and Cersei crouched down and poked in the hole with her long sword to have visibility. A small creature attacks her and bites her right shoulder!
- Logan, Amelia, Boy, & Idris all begin to attack it.
- Cersei is able to break free but the creature bites again and she goes unconscious...
- The others realize time is running out and Amelia and the Boy continue the attack, and Logan finishes off the creature.
- Amelia and Idris heal Cersei but she was so badly injured that she's still incredibly sluggish, weak, and although she walked away with her life, she now has a terrible scar on her right shoulder...
- The creature was cut open to see if he had eaten Wally. Nothing was found.
- Idris walks to the second hole casts Magic Disk and nothing happened, so the group moves on to the last chamber.
2. Once inside the last chamber Cyrus begins to smell rotting flesh and Idris begins to sense death is near...
- The group finds bones neatly piled together in a tower and a gnawed body faced down.
- Idris turns the body and it ends up being Wally...
- Amelia casts a spell to Detect Evil and it turns out that there is something evil in the room, and that being was now fearful of the group.
3. The group decides to move forward in the chamber and they see a bag. Without hesitation the Boy runs towards it and a goblin-like creature jumps on the Boy's back and attacks him. The creature stabs him and knocks him unconscious.
- The group runs to the creature and they begin their attack.
- Idris ends up killing the goblin-like creature and Amelia heals the boy.
- Amelia and Idris exhume the body and figure out Wally was strangled, tortured, and eaten.
- In the bag were the stolen goods & missing money...
4. The group climbs out of the well with Wally's body, the head of the goblin-like creature, and the bag of stolen good and money.
1. The group decided to head into the second chamber. It was damp, there was water dripping from the roots overhead, and there were two holes.
- Cersei, Amelia, & Idris headed over to the first hole, and Cersei crouched down and poked in the hole with her long sword to have visibility. A small creature attacks her and bites her right shoulder!
- Logan, Amelia, Boy, & Idris all begin to attack it.
- Cersei is able to break free but the creature bites again and she goes unconscious...
- The others realize time is running out and Amelia and the Boy continue the attack, and Logan finishes off the creature.
- Amelia and Idris heal Cersei but she was so badly injured that she's still incredibly sluggish, weak, and although she walked away with her life, she now has a terrible scar on her right shoulder...
- The creature was cut open to see if he had eaten Wally. Nothing was found.
- Idris walks to the second hole casts Magic Disk and nothing happened, so the group moves on to the last chamber.
2. Once inside the last chamber Cyrus begins to smell rotting flesh and Idris begins to sense death is near...
- The group finds bones neatly piled together in a tower and a gnawed body faced down.
- Idris turns the body and it ends up being Wally...
- Amelia casts a spell to Detect Evil and it turns out that there is something evil in the room, and that being was now fearful of the group.
3. The group decides to move forward in the chamber and they see a bag. Without hesitation the Boy runs towards it and a goblin-like creature jumps on the Boy's back and attacks him. The creature stabs him and knocks him unconscious.
- The group runs to the creature and they begin their attack.
- Idris ends up killing the goblin-like creature and Amelia heals the boy.
- Amelia and Idris exhume the body and figure out Wally was strangled, tortured, and eaten.
- In the bag were the stolen goods & missing money...
4. The group climbs out of the well with Wally's body, the head of the goblin-like creature, and the bag of stolen good and money.
December 9, 2012
Quarion Dawnfire - Wizard
Quarion Dawnfire
Quarion Dawnfire has extensive experience in adventuring, beginning his career in Mithrendain. He started working for the Sword Guard at age 16, but after the Massacre of the Ten Mages, he left to pursue a career in freelance wizardry. He helped find the Jacinth of Inestimable Beauty along with Roghar of Celestia and Anastrianna Winterwhite. His arch enemy is the vampire Lord Callipher Grentis, whom he clashed with at the Battle of Whitestone Bridge. He is an ally of Lord William the Wanted, Brother Ruben of the New Order of the Knights of Praetor, and a fervent dedicate of Corellon. He is currently the high mage of Astrazalian and Supreme Commander of the Army of Light. Though currently a mercenary, he is guided by a strong code of ethics that dictate what jobs he takes. He is the son of the renowned warlord Gallindall the Great and inherits his quick wits and strategic mind. He is modest and humble but is renowned for his short temper. and will often rush to the defense of the innocent.
Amelia Stillwater - Cleric of Elhonna
Amelia Stillwater’s Story
I was born under the full moon in the Spring 22 years ago on a good-sized family farm on the edge of a great forest. My father raised cows, chickens, hogs, goats, a few plowing horses and a small garden to feed his family of 6. He was a large intimidating man, but his heart was as large as a barn. Living on a farm, I learned respect for the land and respect for the animals. There is a give and take that is natural in all things. We feed and care for the gentle creatures. We keep them healthy and happy and in turn, they feed us through their labors or when it is time, through their lives. We respect them, and they respect us.
From my father, I learned how to care for the animals day to day, how to breed the livestock, how to care for the young ones and what to do when any of them became ill. I watched the animals on the farm grow and change as I grew and changed. I learned how to feel for them even when it came time to slaughter one, and how to do it in the most humane way. They must eat and so do we; it is a cycle. I learned how to nurture the land to grow the crops and the beauty in it. I learned hard work.
My mother, as well as being a farmer’s wife and raising four children, was the town’s midwife. Through her, I learned vthe miracle of childbirth and what the rewards of motherhood look like. I used to follow her to her trips to women of the village. Most frequently, it was to help a woman birth a child, but other times it was to teach a woman tricks and herbal remedies to help them conceive. By being with her, she passed her knowledge to me.
I have three brothers. My two younger brothers were born as I was ending my childhood. They are twins and I was there and helped my mother through the birth of them, and as they grew, helped keep them out of trouble. They are wild little brats, but they love the land as much as my father. I believe they will grow to be great farmers someday.
My older brother was my mentor and best friend growing up. He was also a great hunter. He taught himself and had a great natural talent for it. For my fifth birthday he gave me a bow he made that was just like his. I was so excited! I was bouncing around like a rabbit. He told me that a little lady like me should not be afraid of life outside our home, and that I just need to be prepared for the dangers I may face. He took my little hand in his big teenage hand and taught me how to shoot my bow. Later, he taught me how to hunt and track in the forest. He left home when he reached adulthood. Farming was never something he was interested in. I miss him greatly, but I understand why he needed to make his own way in the world. Before he left, he pulled me aside and told me that I needed to go on a walk in the forest on the morning of my 18th birthday and I will meet someone there. I tried to ask for more information on what he meant, but he just shook his head, smiled his goofy big-brother smile and told me that I must wait and see.
So, a few years later, on the morning of my 18th birthday I entered the forest and wandered aimlessly for a while. I spent a good deal of my childhood in the forest and knew the area rather well. I felt like a fool wandering around looking for a person I didn’t even know existed. I was about to go back home, when I saw a flash of white to my left. I turned to see what it was, but I only found a path that was not there a few seconds before. I followed it deep into the forest and into a strange but serene clearing. I should have felt scared or apprehensive, but all I felt was absolute calm and peace. There was a beam of sunlight that shined into the middle of the clearing and where it landed was a small flower patch. As I came closer to it, I felt a warmth radiating from it and I became sleepy. I laid down in the circle of flowers and drifted to sleep. It was there I was given a vision!
In the vision, Goddess Mielikki (aka Goddess Ehlonna) allowed me the great honor of looking upon her beauty! She told me to look around me and really see the plants and animals of the forest. She made me realize that I was part of them and they were part of me. We are all connected in the deepest part of us. My eyes were opened to who I was and who I was meant to be! I had been born and shaped by my family to be a follower of Her, only none of us knew it at the time! It became so clear! The great Goddess showed me what I must do. I must leave my family and go to her priests to study. When I am deemed ready by them, I must leave and find the seven adventurers and become one of the
Fellowship of Eight. I am to keep them safe and help them in their endeavors. Though I am still to worship and spread Her great love as I travel, Her path for me leads away from common worship. She wants me to be an adventurer for Her. I know not where her path for me goes from here, but She has great plans for me!
This is an excerpt from GREYHAWK ADVENTURES (TSR 2023).

December 7, 2012
12/05/12 Summary
This is a brief summary of major events:
1. The group woke up, gathered their belongings, finished their morning routine and headed toward the well.
2. They all started getting ready to ascend down into the well, when the Sheriff stopped by and gave them a cart. They tied a rope to the cart so that they could all make the trip down the well.
3. Cyrus, Amelia, Logan, Idris, Quarion, Aurence, boy, and Cersei made their way into a new tunnel.
- Cyrus was the first one in the cave, he began to look around when four huge centipedes attacked him.
- The group rushed to Cyrus' defense but by the time they reached him, he was badly injured.
- Idris cast a spell that killed the 1st centipede.
-Cyrus through his pain and injuries was able to kill a second centipede.
- Logan and Amelia killed the last two centipedes.
4. Amelia was able to heal Cyrus, and the group gathered around them to discuss their next move.
1. The group woke up, gathered their belongings, finished their morning routine and headed toward the well.
2. They all started getting ready to ascend down into the well, when the Sheriff stopped by and gave them a cart. They tied a rope to the cart so that they could all make the trip down the well.
3. Cyrus, Amelia, Logan, Idris, Quarion, Aurence, boy, and Cersei made their way into a new tunnel.
- Cyrus was the first one in the cave, he began to look around when four huge centipedes attacked him.
- The group rushed to Cyrus' defense but by the time they reached him, he was badly injured.
- Idris cast a spell that killed the 1st centipede.
-Cyrus through his pain and injuries was able to kill a second centipede.
- Logan and Amelia killed the last two centipedes.
4. Amelia was able to heal Cyrus, and the group gathered around them to discuss their next move.
Cersei- The Fighter
Her mother, Sasha, came from a wealthy and respected family. She was delicate, elegant, and proper. Her father, John, was a few years older than her mother and was the son of one of her father’s most trusted stewards. John was strong, hard working, and tenacious. They knew each other their entire lives, John always had Sasha’s attention and she often daydreamed of one day being his bride, but John, although always fond of her, seemed to reciprocate her love only after she turned 15.
John and Sasha knew their love would never be accepted by her family so when Sasha turned 19, they eloped with the money John saved as the blacksmith’s apprentice and a few jewels that Cersei carried with her. They married and settled in the town of Water Deep. John was a blacksmith and Sasha helped him with his business. Two years later they were ecstatic at the news of a baby coming into their lives. Sasha received nothing but care, attention, and affection from John during her pregnancy. When Sasha went into labor there were complications and she died two days after giving birth to Cersei.
John raised his daughter with all the love Sasha would have given her. Cersei was the spitting image of her mother, accept for her unruly curly hair, inherited by John. John wanted to raise Cersei as a proper young lady but Cersei was always getting dirty, fighting with boys twice her age, and loved to help John in the shop. John knew his daughter was something special when at the age of 5, she was helping him carry hammers and anvils. John’s best friend in town was a retired ranger, Dylan, he recognized Cersei’s talent and as a favor to John he began to train her. When Cersei turned 15 her father became very ill and two years later he passed away. Without her father Cersei was lost, she felt alone, and for two years she worked at the shop and continued training, but was miserable...
Idris came into the shop and took one look at Cersei and knew that the young girl was in misery and in desperate need of a friend. Cersei had never had a female role model and looked up to the beautiful sorceress. Idris began to teach Cersei how to read, write, and even how to tame her hair. Cersei loved to hear of Idris’ adventures, and read of world’s she’d never known and soon she began to wonder what the rest of her life would be like if she stayed in Water Deep...
Cersei decided to leave the town, but Idris convinced her of leaving with the group. Cersei afraid of what the unknown world would bring her decided that it would be best to travel with companions and this way she would be able to stay with the only friend she has...
John and Sasha knew their love would never be accepted by her family so when Sasha turned 19, they eloped with the money John saved as the blacksmith’s apprentice and a few jewels that Cersei carried with her. They married and settled in the town of Water Deep. John was a blacksmith and Sasha helped him with his business. Two years later they were ecstatic at the news of a baby coming into their lives. Sasha received nothing but care, attention, and affection from John during her pregnancy. When Sasha went into labor there were complications and she died two days after giving birth to Cersei.
John raised his daughter with all the love Sasha would have given her. Cersei was the spitting image of her mother, accept for her unruly curly hair, inherited by John. John wanted to raise Cersei as a proper young lady but Cersei was always getting dirty, fighting with boys twice her age, and loved to help John in the shop. John knew his daughter was something special when at the age of 5, she was helping him carry hammers and anvils. John’s best friend in town was a retired ranger, Dylan, he recognized Cersei’s talent and as a favor to John he began to train her. When Cersei turned 15 her father became very ill and two years later he passed away. Without her father Cersei was lost, she felt alone, and for two years she worked at the shop and continued training, but was miserable...
Idris came into the shop and took one look at Cersei and knew that the young girl was in misery and in desperate need of a friend. Cersei had never had a female role model and looked up to the beautiful sorceress. Idris began to teach Cersei how to read, write, and even how to tame her hair. Cersei loved to hear of Idris’ adventures, and read of world’s she’d never known and soon she began to wonder what the rest of her life would be like if she stayed in Water Deep...
Cersei decided to leave the town, but Idris convinced her of leaving with the group. Cersei afraid of what the unknown world would bring her decided that it would be best to travel with companions and this way she would be able to stay with the only friend she has...
December 2, 2012
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